the artist
For the past 25 years, Belgian band Hooverphonic has blurred the lines between symphonic soundscapes and highly infectious pop tunes. Frontman Alex Callier has never put all his eggs in one basket and has always strived to deliver quality songs, sung by the best female vocalists in the business. Not to forget guitarist Raymond Geerts, who was the solid foundation for the grooves, licks and riffs. The band’s production has been used in TV series, commercials and movies all over the world and songs like ‘Mad About You’, ‘Vinger & Salt’, ‘Eden’, ‘2Wicky’, ‘Badaboum’ and ‘Romantic’ have become cornerstones of the Belgian musical heritage. In 2020, after having left the band for a few years, Geike Arnaert, the band’s emblematic singer, took the microphone again, to the great pleasure of the fans.